Customer Testimonials

What Pet Parents Are Saying

Canna Companion’s CBD supplements for pets are the result of 20+ years of first-hand veterinary research. Our licensed professionals have formulated products that honor your pet’s unique needs. See what our customers are saying about our CBD for pets.

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We initially tried Canna Companion on our youngest rescue, Miller. He struggled emotionally and spent most of his life in fight or flight. When he turned 9 years old we began using Canna Companion to help him be more emotionally stable and for the first time he allowed a stranger to pet him. If only we had known earlier in his life that your hemp supplement would make such an impact in helping him be more comfortable with himself, others and his surroundings. Our next big rescue, Buddy, was feeling his age and Canna Companion helped soothe joint discomfort. Lastly, our old boy, Marshall Tucker, started having joint discomfort in his teen years and was also suffering from the loss of his brothers. Canna Companion helped support him during those difficult times. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful product.


Before Canna Companion, I really struggled with car rides and not being with my dad, to the point when we went for walks I tried to keep everyone else away. But the worst were loud noises, even at home. They used to make me cower and hide under anything – my dad tells me I even froze for whole thunderstorms. My dad started giving me the CBD capsules and car rides weren’t so scary and I don’t feel like I have to keep everyone away from my dad. I even have a best friend who likes to play! The best though, is I can sit next to my dad and not be so afraid when I hear loud noises. We can watch movies together now, even when there’s a storm outside. Thanks Canna Companion!

- Gunny

Dr. Brandon was able to save Rudy when no other doctor knew what to do. In late September last year he became weak and lost mobility in his front legs. He could barely hold up his head; I had to prop him up with a towel so he could eat. Dr. Brandon came to our rescue and started Rudy on several meds and Canna Companion. He gradually gained his strength back and after about a month he was able to walk again. He now gets around just fine and is back to his happy habits. Abby, Rudy’s littler sister, needed some serious GI support and Dr. Brandon and CC to help her heal, too. We are so grateful for Dr Brandon and everyone at Canna Companion for all they’ve done to help Rudy and Abby.

- Rudy

After exercising, Hattie used to be very uncomfortable in her hind leg. Since she has been on Canna Companion she is completely sound no matter how hard she runs. She can jump up on the couch now while it was a struggle for her to get on it before.

- Hattie

Our 13 year old tuxedo cat was uncomfortable and very grouchy, and we could tell his quality of life had diminished. He has been on Canna Companion for 3 weeks now and the shift in his demeanor has been remarkable, his sense of humor has returned and he is very playful with our younger cat.

- Manny