How CBD Helps the Urinary Tract
When we think of CBD administration in dogs and cats, we generally think about joint health and a calm, normally functioning nervous system. And it’s true that a balanced CBD product can help maintain healthy bone and joint functions, as well as provide a relaxing effect on nerve tissue and promote normal inflammatory responses. But CBD and similar compounds also assist the urinary tract, helping it to have healthy inflammatory responses and promoting relaxation of distressed bladder walls.
The urinary tract is made up of the kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureters (connective tubes running from the kidneys to the bladder). There are also associated lymph nodes, blood vessels and ancillary muscles, plus input from endocrine structures like the adrenal glands and pancreas, that allow the whole system to filter and clear waste and excess water from the body.
This system functions the same in humans as it does in dogs and cats, and perhaps most importantly, it has cannabis receptors all over the place. Those receptors have one function, to listen to and correct cellular stress – a normal and vital task to the development and maintenance of a healthily functioning urinary tract. In times of increased stress, where the kidneys or bladder are negatively responding to anxiousness, infection or noninfectious inflammation, the cannabis system makes more receptors ready to receive a balanced CBD pet product.
There’s just one main difference between how the cannabis system works in the urinary tract vs the nervous system or joint tissues. Many – but not all – of the receptors found within the urinary tract prefer water-based forms of CBD and THC. Those forms are referred to as acids and are provided an “a” designation for the compound: CBDa or THCa. Because of this, the urinary tract tends to respond best when multiple forms are administered.
Administration of multiple compounds provides a balanced CBD product for your dog and cat, helping to keep doses low and side effect risk a minimum, all while encouraging the kidneys to recover from occasional inflammation and the bladder and urethra to remain calm and relaxed during anxiousness. Such a product also supports the body’s efforts in promoting innate pathogenic resistance within nearby immune system tissues, balancing emotional behaviors and enhancing normal adrenal gland and pancreatic functions. The end result is that your pet feels calmer and their urinary tract functions as it should.